
Central limit theorems for high dimensional dependent data


报告地点:腾讯会议ID:678 651 441




Motivated by statistical inference problems in high-dimensional time series analysis, we derive non-asymptotic error bounds for Gaussian approximations of sums of high-dimensional dependent random vectors on hyper-rectangles, simple convex sets and sparsely convex sets. We investigate the quantitative effect of temporal dependence on the rates of convergence to normality over three different dependency frameworks (-mixing, m-dependent, and physical dependence measure). In particular, we establish new error bounds under the -mixing framework and derive faster rate over existing results under the physical dependence measure. To implement the proposed results in practical statistical inference problems, we also derive a data-driven parametric bootstrap procedure based on a kernel-type estimator for the long-run covariance matrices.



常晋源,2013年7月于北京大学光华管理学院取得经济学博士学位,2013年9月至2017年2月在澳大利亚墨尔本大学数学与统计学院任研究员,2017年3月开始全职在西南财经大学统计学院工作。现为西南财经大学数据科学与商业智能联合实验室执行主任、光华特聘教授、博士生导师、四川省特聘专家、四川省统计专家咨询委员会委员。主要从事“超高维数据分析”和“高频金融数据分析”两个领域的研究,现为JRSSB、JBES和Statistica Sinica的Associate Editor,已在统计学与计量经济学国际顶级学术期刊AoS、Biometrika、JASA、JoE等上发表第一作者论文18篇。


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