
Causal Inference with Truncation-by-Death and Unmeasured Confounding






Clinical studies often encounter truncation by death, which may render some outcomes undefined. Statistical analysis based solely on observed survivors may lead to biased results because the characteristics of survivors may differ between treatment groups. In this case, the commonly used meaningful causal parameter is the survivor average causal effect (SACE), which may not be identifiable when there is unmeasured confounding between the treatment assignment and survival or outcome processes. In this talk, we first show that the survivor average causal effect on the control is identifiable based on a substitutional variable under appropriate assumptions. Next, we propose an augmented inverse probability weighting (AIPW) type estimator for this estimand with robustness to model misspecification. Finally, the proposed method is applied to investigate the effects of allogeneic stem cell transplantation types on leukemia relapse.




周晓华教授目前是Statistics in Medicine 副编辑,也是国际生物统计学会中国分会会刊,Biostatistics & Epidemiology主编。在国际顶尖的统计和生物统计期刊J. R. Statist. Soc. B, Journal of the American Statistical Association、Annals of Statistics, Biometrika, Biometrics等发表SCI学术论文280余篇, 其中170余篇是第一或通信作者。周教授研究方向主要集中于医学诊断学统计方法,随机临床试验中的设计及统计方法,因果推断方法,重大疫情发生和发展规律的数学和统计建模等。曾任美国联邦政府食品和药物管理局(FDA)医疗器械和放射健康顾问委员会委员。曾荣获美国联邦政府退伍军人事务部研究生涯科学家奖、国家自然科学基金委海外杰青,教育部高层次文教专家、教育部海外名师等荣誉称号,美国统计学会贝叶斯分析科学分会及国际贝叶斯统计科学会Mitchell奖,SCIENCE CHINA-Mathematics评选的年度优秀论文奖, 主持过国家自然科学基金重点项目,科技部重点研发计划项目。