
Novel Empirical Likelihood Inference for the Mean Difference with Right-Censored Data

报告人:Yichuan Zhao

报告地点:数学与统计学院 415报告厅

报告时间:2023年6月29日 星期四13:00-14:00



This paper focuses on comparing two means and finding a confidence interval for the difference of two means with right-censored data using the empirical likelihood method combined with the i.i.d. random functions representation. Some early researchers proposed empirical likelihood-based confidence intervals for the mean difference based on right-censored data using the synthetic data approach. However, their empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic has a scaled chi-squared distribution. To avoid the estimation of the scale parameter in constructing confidence intervals, we propose an empirical likelihood method based on the i.i.d. representation of Kaplan–Meier weights involved in the empirical likelihood ratio. We obtain the standard chi-squared distribution. We also apply the adjusted empirical likelihood to improve coverage accuracy for small samples. We investigate a new empirical likelihood method, the mean empirical likelihood, within the framework of our study. Via extensive simulations, the proposed empirical likelihood confidence interval has better coverage accuracy than those from existing methods. Finally, our findings are illustrated with a real data set.


Yichuan Zhao,美国佐治亚州立大学数学与统计系终身教授,佐治亚州立大学神经科学研究所和公共卫生学院教授,研究领域包括Survival Analysis, Empirical Likelihood Method, Non-parametric Statistics, Analysis of ROC Curve, Bioinformatics, Monte Carlo Methods and Statistical Modeling of Fuzzy Systems等。Yichuan Zhao教授在广泛的统计研究领域发表研究论文90余篇,是三本统计学、生物统计和数据科学专著的编委,他目前在担任多家统计杂志担任主编或编委会成员,是International Statistics Institute的当选会员,泛华统计协会理事会委员。