
Modeling Time-Varying Effect of Treatment Switching with Application to Estimating the Effect of Change in Dialysis Vascular Access

报 告 人: 张日权
报告地点: 数学与统计学院403室
报告时间: 2016年08月31日星期三10:00-11:00


   ascular access for haemodialysis is of paramount importance. Although studies have found that central venous catheter is often associated with poor outcomes and switching to arteriovenous fistula is beneficial, it has not been fully elucidated how the effect of switching of access on outcomes changes over time and whether the effect depends on switching time. Analysis of the longitudinal data needs to account for changes over multiple time indices. In this paper we propose a flexible model that jointly models the change over treatment time, the trend over calendar time, the change associated with treatment switching and time-varying effects of covariates. The effect of switching may depend on both the time of switching and time since switching. All unknown functions are modeled nonparametrically using local linear smoothers and estimated using a backfitting procedure. Large sample properties are studied. Simulation studies show excellent finite-sample performance. Our methods are applied to investigate the effect of vascular access change on albumin in dialysis patients. It is concluded that the benefit of switching from central venous catheter to arteriovenous fistula depends on the time of switching, the sooner the better.


教授,博士生导师,华东师范大学统计学院副院长;大数据统计分析中心主任; 1988年于四川大学数学系获理学学士学位,1998年于华东师范大学统计系获理学硕士学位,2003年于华东师范大学统计系获理学博士学位,2005年于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院博士后出站,2005年破格晋升为教授。 发表SCI收录论文70余篇,由科学出版社出版专著1部,教材1部;主持和参与各类项目30余项,其中主持国家自然基金面上项目3项,参与3项,教育部博士点基金2项,国家统计局重点项目1项,省自然基金1项,上海市旅游局项目1项; 2011年指导的博士生毕业论文获上海市研究生优秀博士学位论文;近三年获得优秀博士生导师称号、海市育才奖、上海市自然科学奖三等奖。

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