
Regression Analysis of Current Status Data in the Presence of A Cured Subgroup and Dependent Censoring subgroup

报 告 人: 胡涛

报告地点: 数学与统计学院四楼报告厅

报告时间: 2016年12月12日星期一09:30-10:30


This paper discusses regression analysis of current status data, a type of failure time data where each study subject is observed only once, in the presence of dependent censoring. Furthermore, there may exist a cured subgroup, meaning that a proportion of study subjects are not susceptible to the failure event of interest. For the problem, we develop a sieve maximum likelihood estimation approach with the use of latent variables and Bernstein polynomials. For the determination of the proposed estimators, an EM algorithm is developed and the asymptotic properties of the estimators are established. Extensive simulation studies are conducted and indicate that the proposed method works well for practical situations. A motivating application from atumorigenicity experiment is also provided.



胡涛,2009年毕业于北京师范大学数学科学学院,获概率论与数理统计专业博士学位,现为首都师范大学数学科学学院 副教授。

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