
From Big Data to Precision Medicine

报 告 人:Feifang Hu

2009年当选为美国统计协会(American Statistical Association)和国际数理统计协会(Institute of Mathematical Statistics)双料Fellow。胡飞芳教授还是2004年美国科学研究基金会Career Award的得主,并获邀担任美国统计协会杂志 (Journal of American Statistical Association) 和统计年鉴(Annals of Statistics)等顶尖统计杂志的副主编。

报告简介:Precision medicine (PM) (also called personalized medicine) is a medical model that proposes the customization of healthcare, with medical decisions, practices, and/or products being tailored to the individual patient. To develop precision medicine, we need new approaches to drug-development as following: (i) Collect more genomic Big Data directly from patients; (ii) Identify important biomarkers (genes) that seem to be linked with diseases based on Big Data; (iii) Develop precision medicine based on well designed clinical trials. In this talk, I will discuss some statistical issues about big data and precision medicine. Then, I will propose some new adaptive designs (of clinical trials) to deal with the special features of precision medicine.

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